Fall is officially here!!!

by - 3:00 AM

Jacket:  Express
Pants:  Old Navy
Shirt:  Old Navy
Scarf:  Stolen from older sister's closet

Until recently, the only indication of the arrival of Fall was the sudden abundance of thanksgiving decorations in just about anywhere....Well my friends, it is colldddd.....Not Antartica cold, by any means, but it's 52 degrees right now.  Some of you may be rolling your eyes right now, but, in Texas, this is Eskimo coat weather.

I spent one glorious summer up in Chicago a couple of years back doing some cloning and protein purification (nerd speak).  Sixty degree weather was short and sandal time for locals.  I bought a coat.  Eighty degree weather was the perfect environment for a heat stroke for the locals.  God forbid it reach ninety degrees.  I thought there was a nice cool breeze.

I love to layer clothes.  I love the hot food.  I love cuddling under warm blankets while the rest of the house is freezing.  In other words, I love the cold.  This is going to be a great week!

Linking up to:
Nany's Klozet

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