
by - 11:15 AM

Meet Maya and Ducky.

Maya is my beautiful Akita.  For two years, I would dream of having a second dog.  A small dog that I could put in my bed and cuddle with (why else?!) without being coated with hair because apparently when a breeder tells you that your Akita is going to shed it is implied that for the rest of her life with you, you will walk around like a human lint roller and wearing the color black is a thing of the past.  But these things are manageable with obsessive diligence that maybe, just maybe, almost five years later I am finally getting the hang of.  Maybe.  But that is a topic of another day.  No, my most worrisome  issue with Maya is that she is EXTREMELY animal aggressive. Then one day, my sister nervously entrusted me with two of her Chihuahua puppies to re-home.  Maya's immediate reaction was to lay on her belly to play with a tiny little male Chihuahua that I was not too taken with at the time now known as Ducky.

Ducky is hyperactive, super-protective of his females, and at two pounds six ounces, the alpha male of this house.  Yes.  The irony does not escape me.  Before getting Ducky, I was always impressed at how calm my Akita was indoors.  Without all the dog hair, you would have never known she was there (unless you were a stranger in which case you would DEFINITELY know).  Apparently my dog was just depressed because her favorite game involves picking up a squeaky toy and having Ducky chase her or laying down and playing tug-a-war with him.  These two are inseparable...and so very odd.

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  1. This is a really sweet couple, but the chihuahua is a brave dog for playing with his life! i think... this is a really odd couple!
