Happy Holidays!!
8:27 PM / BY Unknown
May your holidays be as wonderful as mine, surrounded by family and friends!! My little elf even dressed up for the occasion. Merry Christmas everyone!! ...
A little secret...
1:07 PM / BY Unknown
I considered not writing this post- mainly because people I interact with daily read this, and this happens to be a very personal topic. Well, if this isn't the place for personal topics and helping each other, I don't know what is. I have a stomach disease called Irritable Bowel Syndrome, and while it is not something I talk about a lot because people have certain embarrassing ideas associated with the disease (explosive diarrhea anyone??),...
I am trying out several dresses for possible Christmas outfits. By the way ladies (and gentlemen), I am meeting by boyfriend's family for the first time this Christmas. Gulp. I am excited and nervous. Now the most important question: what do I wear. My preferred outfits for visits to South Texas are t-shirts and jeans since I will more than likely be found at the ranch or doing yard work (my mother likes to trade...
Dress: Forever 21 Boots: Gifted I wore this exact outfit to Central Market a couple of weeks ago, and a sweet woman asked me where I had gotten my boots because she liked them so much. Excited, I quickly told my boyfriend when he came back from grinding some coffee for me. He asked, "Those boots, really?!" How rude. He's lucky he is such a sweetheart. The man brings me coffee in bed to wake...
Okay, so I am obsessed with the beautiful little lady below. Frankly, I would make this blog all about doggie pictures if I could. It takes a great deal of restraint for me not to go around showing people pictures of the most beautiful dogs in the world (mine, not yours obviously), but mostly I just let the hair covering my clothes speak for itself. When people see my little cow/pony, Maya, they typically run...
On weeks when I have tons of tests, papers, and, well, basically responsibilities that I can't put off, I always make food in bulk that I then freeze in single servings in small mason jars to be eaten in a pinch. One of my favorite soups to prepare in advance for cheap (hey, I am a college student after all) is lentil soup. It is easy, healthy, delicious, and basically fool proof. For this version,...