Now, most times when I arrive at a thrift store, I arrive with the knowledge that I brought my cash and left my will power in the car. Some days, I am forced to leave things that I really liked because... A. There is no room in my small car. B. I tried exercising will power in the car and didn't bring enough cash. C. Some relative has threatened to call an intervention on me....
12:00 AM / BY Unknown
Yesterday, I heard something on TV (or illegally streamed tv shows) that lit some sort of internal light bulb. I just had to share with you. The always wise Sheldan said, "If it makes you feel any better, in 100 years, you'll be dead and none of this will matter.". You're welcome. Uplifting? No. True? Yes. No matter how huge our problems are they are tiny compared the infinite complexity of the universe. In other words,...